I made myself a millionaire by doing exactly what worked for me.
No fancy bullshit
No long sales tactics
This is almost too easy.

I gave myself no other option.
I got ruthlessly honest with myself and then did WHATEVER it took to change MY LIFE.
“How’d you comeback so fast and build so much in less than a year??”
And then I did everything DEMANDED of me to live the life I want.
Everything I did always prompted the same two questions.
“Is this going to bring me closer to where I want to go? Or will this take me further away?”
I only did what brought me TOWARDS MY DREAM LIFE.

I failed all the fucking time!
I got knocked on my ass almost every day at the beginning.
I never gave myself an option to let off the throttle.
I looked in the mirror and BUILT the man I admire ever day.
I coach everyone the way I LIVE because I know it works.
I don’t lean on a killer ad, a secret Instagram posting strategy or some high priced SEO that people are advertising (the fucking irony right there, advertising for ADVERTISING).
And tens of thousands of dollars later, the bullshit some guru sold you still doesn’t work, but you made them rich.
Never gonna happen here.
I don’t give a fuck about secret marketing tricks.
I got real AF and tell the truth about what my clients NEED to do.
Not what they want to hear.
I’m here to get gritty and real with you.
Distractions are running your life, and pushing you away from the life you want.
Tomorrow, the next day, later, I can’t, it’s not the right time, all of that is bullshit taking you away from your vision.
I know, I was just like that!
I’d go to bed every night depressed, anxious and frustrated and the next day wake up and run through the same distractions and excuses.
I got OUT.
I built MY LIFE the way I wanted it.
I’m here to get rid of your distractions and excuses and line you up with what you want in a way that allows you to not just live the life WANT, but also how to do the same for other people.
To LEVEL UP the lives of others.
Real talk, I’m here to help you build YOUR blueprint and create momentum in your business and monetize your LIFE without monopolizing your time with complicated actions that don’t fucking work.
Trevor B (The Spartan)
CEO of Spartan Army

You cannot sell something that you don’t believe in yourself.
I do EXACTLY what worked for me, because I know it works.
Running out into the market with the latest gadget, product or service because you see people making money, is the easiest way to fuck up.
If you don’t buy it, how the fuck is anyone else going to buy it?
“I want your life Spartan!”
Are you willing to take it as far as I do every day?
Because for me it’s easy.
I AM who I am and I DO exactly what I do.
So many are trying to sell things they would never use and don’t personify in their own actions.
“How did you level up your life Spartan? How’d you do it so fast?”
That’s why I teach.
Because I actually do it every day in my own life.

You have to ask yourself.
“What have I done in my life that has completely changed my world? And then how can I share that with others? How can I help others do the same thing?”
You MUST begin here!
This is the beginning.
Live the life you are teaching.
Live in the frequency of your own success and SHOW THE WORLD in your actions.
So if you’re ready to kill your excuses and step into the business you’ve been waiting for, fill out the form below and LET’S GET IT!!!
I’ve made it daily practice, non negotiable, to keep my word to myself.
In everything.
I live my life according to 5 Rules.
Rule 3 is DO WHAT YOU SAY.
Keeping your word to yourself builds credibility with yourself, which instills credibility from others.
You MUST own your word.
How do I know where to start?
I’ve never been a coach.
This isn’t motivation.
This is building discipline and confidence in you and your actions.
Coaching with me is not pdf sheets and a little workbook. This is an experience like you’ve never had before. You get real time personal access and support, action plans, blueprints and a community WITH ME, your coach.
You will be in a weekly mastermind with personal assignments to get focused AF on your targets that we set together.
We create targets together for more than just your business, we are building your WORLD in a way that allows you to OWN YOUR LIFE.
We build the person, who inside, you want to be and KNOW you’re meant to be.
It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from!
I started with nothing! I couldn’t even walk properly let alone become a millionaire!
I will personally guide you and walk WITH you through each step over the next 12 weeks as you level up your own life and your business.

This is so much more than just quotes and motivation.
Coaching with me is next level and an experience that you’ve never had before.
We lean on friends, family, even our spouses, except most of the time they can’t help.
Feeling stuck and frustrated isn’t normal, and simply having a voice to talk to isn’t going to level up your life.
This is about accountability and support that’s NECESSARY for success in your LIFE not just your business. You’re instantly in a proven program to guide you to stacking wins on your terms.
I’m not going to fluff or sugar coat anything.
I give you the playbook to make this all happen.
You deploy the action required.
Each week, you’ll hop on a zoom call with me and I’ll go through EXACTLY what you need to get done for the week.
It’s really that simple!
I have no secrets, no special group where we hide all the “stuff that’s working.”
You GET the exact strategies and blueprint that has brought me from a standard “job” all the way to high 7 figures EVERY YEAR.
“How did you build such a huge following in such a short time?”
I GIVE you the exact program that I use every day to have people look MY DIRECTION and bypass all of the distractions.
You won’t have to worry about being “seen or heard” because you’ll do exactly what I do.
Every week we go over everything that happened the week before and I give you feedback and what to do next.
This isn’t complicated!
By doing everything I give you, line by line, and asking every question you have, you’re stacking wins in ways you didn’t think was possible.

Are you teaching me actual strategies and action steps to help me grow? YES.
We start from day one and work through up to the point where you know everything I know!
Real talk, all the tactics and plans and action steps have nothing to do with how I built my empire.
The truth?
I stopped listening to anyone trying to slow me down.
I stopped listening to anyone telling me to play safe.
I stomped on the gas and never let up.
I made a point to move faster than anyone else.
I made a point to DO THINGS instead of plan things.
If you’re struggling in your business, or anywhere else for that matter, there’s a good chance that it’s one or both of the following:
You’re either constantly doubling down on something that isn’t working and never will (but someone online said it’s the secret to blah blah blah, right? NOPE IT’S NOT 👎🏼).
You’re spending 90 percent of your time filling space with “empty actions” and you major in minor things so that you feel “productive.”
Yeah that stops NOW.
I wipe out everything that is getting in your way and wasting your time. I clear out EMPTY ACTIONS and replace them with WHAT WORKS.
This isn’t some cookie cutter program.
This is built around YOU and where you want to go.
And then we GET THERE.
These are ALL people who have worked with my program, real testimonials from real people who were tired of living a life they hated!
Excuses are TOO EASY.
Just stop.
It’s easy AF to slide into old habits that ruin your life, hold you back and you KNOW you don’t want!
It happens to EVERYONE.
The REAL ONES have coaches who keep them aligned with their goals.
Who wouldn’t do that?
My wife was a professional soccer player, and she beat out thousands of other players, who were all great, BECAUSE OF A COACH.
Her coach told her what to do.
Her coach made her accountable.
And then, her coach pushed her further.
Why shouldn’t you have a coach?
The ones who want to be the BEST have coaches.
A coach gives you the ultimate success code by allowing you to time collapse everything in your life. Taking things from years and decades to weeks and months.
A coach gives you inner-strength, confidence, and empowerment to handle anything in your business and your life; an edge that will propel you forward into life maximizing your fulfillment along the way.
It’s time to get out of your own head.
I’ve had the glass ceiling.
I’ve had people tell me that I can’t.
The only choices I had, were to believe them, or believe ME.
You already know what I did.
Adhere to this process and finally break through those barriers you’ve held onto for so long so you can experience the success and fulfillment you’ve been after.
If you want to change your life, and I mean REALLY change your life, you need to get HONEST WITH YOURSELF.
And then,
Do something about it!
Staying where you are is lying to yourself.
It’s time to change that.
When is the right time? WHEN?
It’s either RIGHT NOW or it never will be.
Get off the fucking fence.
Are you in the same place you were last year?
Are you still looking on YouTube for that “one video” that’s going to change everything for you?
If you’re not WILLING right now, you’re never going to be.
There is only one fear.
Fear the regret of KNOWING you could’ve and f*cking SHOULD’VE done more.
I’ve been at the bottom, I’ve hunted for answers, I’ve read the books, I’ve watched the videos, and none of it helped the way I NEEDED it to help.